Behind the Lavalava

EP 78. Beyond Beauty: A Holistic Approach with Jojo & Co Salon.

Behind the Lavalava Cast Season 1 Episode 78

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Join us for a special episode of "Beauty Unveiled" as we delve into the captivating journey of Jolisna Hong, the owner of Jojo & Co Salon. In this interview, Jolisna shares her heartfelt story, from starting as an apprentice to founding her salon in 2018. Discover the salon's diverse services, serving as a one-stop-shop for beauty needs. Jolisna opens up about the challenges faced during the COVID pandemic, emphasizing the salon's resilience. A unique highlight is the introduction of IV fusions and IM injections, showcasing Jojo & Co's commitment to holistic beauty and wellness. The episode concludes with insights into the salon's community involvement and a sneak peek into the upcoming Glam Galentine event, featuring special collaborations and a unique speed dating experience. Join us in celebrating Jolisna Hong's entrepreneurial spirit and the empowering vision of Jojo & Co Salon on this inspiring journey in the beauty industry.

Pasifika Foods

Behind the Lavalava Foundation Sponsors:
Matai, American United Federal Credit Union, Pasifika Foods, Veteran Business Resource Center, Frontline Heroes, Warrior Revival, Top Gun Home Inspection, Natin But Grindz, Ladies in Bloom, All Pro Concrete Cutters, Eni & Hina Faleomavaega Foundation, Humana, Toko Uso Protection, Paradise Porch, Cyprus Credit Union.

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 Welcome to Behind the Lava Lava Business Spotlight, your gateway to the inspiring stories of businesses and nonprofits that are shaping our community. I'm Michael Tan, your host, and I'm joined by my co host Atimua Mingy.  In each episode, we delve into the journey of the individuals behind these organizations, offering them a stage to share their unique experiences and reach a broader audience.

So our mission is to amplify their voices and give them the recognition they deserve. Our show is Proudly sponsored by Matai, a brand that embodies the essence of the Pacific Islands. So whether you're in need of a functional watch or sunglasses for daily use, or a stylus accessory that complements your relaxed island vibe, Matai has got you covered.

So before we get started, A quick reminder to our listeners to follow, subscribe, and leave a review if you enjoy our show. You're listening to Behind the Lava Lava. Let's kick things off.  Today, we're delighted to spotlight Julisna Hong, the proud owner of Jojo and Co Salon. Hello, Julisna. How are you doing?

Good. How are you? Doing good. Also mentioned in this episode joining us will be my wife, Samantha. She will be assisting in this podcast. Taarofa, Samantha. Aloha. Hello. So, Jojo. Can you tell me a little bit about yourself, where you grew up, where you're from? So, I am from Hawaii,,  but I would say that I am someone from all over because my parents were in the military. 

I did reside maybe half of my young life in Hawaii, but with my parents been in the military, I've been, I've lived in Germany.  A lot of different states here in the mainland. But my roots are from Hawaii.  So shout out your parents and what branch they served.  I have my father, Joseph Hong. , he served in the Army. 

And my stepfather, James Beasley, he also served in the Army.  So we understand that you run a salon. Could you tell us about your salon? Uh, what made you want to get into the business? 

I would say my passion  in helping others with their confidence.  I know growing up, I loved putting makeup on myself. I made my, what I, how I felt on the inside is because  what I felt like I looked in the mirror at that time,  but my true  story started when I was an apprentice for someone that owned a salon in her house. 

I didn't know at the time that 

doing or cutting hair and doing makeup or making others feel good externally was an actual career  until I met my,  young woman's leader. Her name's Melanie Lee.  She had a salon in her house.  And at that time, being young,  um, I always wanted, you know, the pretty hair or the nice nails,  and I knew I couldn't afford them.

So I asked her if I could trade by cleaning her salon, or doing things for her in her salon maybe keeping books, or even watching her kids so she could work, uh, if I could trade and get her my hair or my nails done.  She was someone I really looked up to. Working in her salon helped me to see how many others she made feel so good about themselves that I wanted to become a cosmetologist. 

And when did you start your business? I started my own salon in 2018. And what services do you provide? The services we provide are anything from hair aesthetics, meaning facials, waxing and lashes.  Uh, we also provide nails and pedicures.  We are a full fledged salon, or what you could say, a one stop shop.

, hey, thank you, Jojo, for joining us. Um, I just wanted to, to ask, because I have long hair, , and I'm, I'm a guy. I don't know if you, you know, if you're targeting certain specific you know, individuals. But, you know, uh, who do you, who's your target audience?

And, uh, how do you cater to their needs?  So, I will tell you personally. I work with young ladies and women.  My specialty is not with men that are wanting more of a barbering experience.  I've gotten a lot of requests or calls for men's cuts. I don't specialize with  um,  like I can cut men's hair if it's long. 

 But when they want to be tapered or designed I'm not your girl. I'm neither, none of my stylists either specialize in barbering. And I pride myself saying that because some people will say, yeah, I can cut it.  And then they take your money and they walk out crying.  You know, I tell you straight up what I can and can't do.

If I can't do it, I'll find someone. That I can't, that can do it.  I do refer my men that come into my shop or that call to our barber shop down the street called Savant. So I, I have long hair. And  it's really hard for me to, to find any specific barbershop or any like stylist.  That does this type of, you know, my type of hair, I should say.

Do you, uh, do any specific, like, hairs? Like, and I know you just focus on, uh, females,  uh, specifically. Uh, but what about, like, male hairs, like, uh, like, say, uh, Polynesian, black, or anything like that? Do you do any specific type hairs, or just? All females in general. I can work with your hair. I'll say that.

You're wanting me to condition, cut,  style it in a certain way. The only thing I don't specialize in is cornrows.  But I do have a, I have someone else that does.  So I'll always, always recommend someone else that works with me. Or maybe someone else I know out of my shop. Uh, if you're looking for a certain service. 

I'll never So I can't, but I can work with your hair.  Thank you. Uh, so, uh, to date, have you have, uh, come across any,  difficulties, uh, as far as running your business biggest challenges in general? I'd say our biggest challenge as a salon is that since the COVID. We haven't been able to predict when  we,  so  in the beauty industry, we kind of know that the months of J's are usually our slower months  and we can predict that before, but since COVID, nothing is predictable. So  inventory is huge because the prices have gone up. 

Therefore, our prices for services have gone up too.  And I think with this recession at the moment, It's affected everyone, you know, not just us as service providers, but everyone on people that are seeking services don't come in as much because our prices have raised and not because we feel that just because we're worth it, it's because our products have gone up extremely since 2000, let's see what 2021 is when COVID hit.

Our, um, just a box of color has doubled, if not tripled in price. Though I know for a fact we haven't doubled or tripled our prices. But the little increase that we do show has affected business big time. So we know, we know that a lot of women come to your salon for services. What's your most popular services?

Is it facials, lashes, hair, nails?  I say nails and hairs are  most requested  when it comes to our aesthetics.  Seems to be an even bigger luxury for our clients. So it's not a service as requested as hair and nails. So, are there any services that are up and coming that you're introducing in And why  are you introducing these services?  I'm So glad you asked that. So, we have introduced IV fusions and IM injections into our salon. They're a great additive to our salon services, every single one. There's not one that we can't add these services to.

The reason why I've added them Is because I've been listening to my clients over the many years they've been with me a lot of their views are physical attributes or Let's say their hair because that's what their main concern is their hair and skin has been affected by Life changes from illnesses to their diet  Things that they may not even know that's going on with their body has affected their skin and hair  So many clients come to me asking me, Joe, what can I do?

Joe, I'm losing this hair or  my skin is super dry or my nails have,,  different markings on them that I've never had before.  All that has to do with your internal health.  I always go back to  my basics of education through cosmetology of them teaching us  that anything that shows on the outside is all from the inside. 

So, with doing IMs and , IV infusions, we are able to,

pinpoint more so of what you might need  internally to help your external features so what exactly are in the IVs and IMs? So you're doing IVs and IMs because you're pushing certain vitamins, you're putting, pushing certain electrolytes into the body to help.

You know, um,  uh, prevent the skin from drying out, you know, to help hydrate the skin. So IV and IM is specifically, you know, in the medical world pushing that direct medication to help someone immediately. So  to see immediate effects, uh, of a certain product that you're pushing out there. You do, you administer IV or IM, so that way you can get immediate results.

So, for example, if I'm a heat case, I do IVs, I get, uh, you know, vitamin A, vitamin C, all the electrolytes in my body, so that way I don't become a heat case. So, in your situation, what exactly are you, what's in your IVs and IMs, you know, what's in there, what are you pushing in there? My favorite I, or I am injection is the glutathione.

Perfect. The glutathione  helps  with my skin,  meaning our liver, it detoxes your liver.  Therefore, it helps my skin  and it helps the anti aging properties. I call this my beauty boost, basically, you know. Um, it's something I just recently started, yet I've seen the effects after the third shot. 

Um, whether it be for my fine lines or, you know, I had really bad four minute hormonal discoloration because I have PCOS.  And that shot also Helps with insulin resistance, so it helps. Me too. I guess export my sugars. So I don't have all this buildup on my jawline it also helps with  energy and  Immunity, right?

Yeah, it also cleans out or detox your body anything Toxic that's going in, it will just flush it all out. , and they also have B12, which is basically a, um, it helps with your energy level, like boost your energy.  It also helps with like the functionality of your if you have brain fog, um, it helps with that.

It kind of also helps you with your,  to me, I took the B12. Um, I got the B12 injection and it helps me sleep really good. , and it also helps me, have that energy. It kind of, expand it throughout the week, if that makes sense.  , and it helps me be energized throughout every day. Um, I was sleeping a lot earlier than usually.

Than usual because I'm always up really late. But lately I've been going to bed around 9 and 10. The same time my husband goes to sleep. So, and it also helps you a little bit with, anxiety and depression and stuff like that. So anything with, um, with mental health to kind of helps you with that. Yeah, I was just about to say anything vitamin B, , B for brain, uh, helps cognitive function overall.

And Samantha hit it right on the nail there. Uh, so yeah, that's, uh, that's pretty good stuff. Uh, you know,  injection wise to assist all your customers. Yes. So with your, with the, um, the IVs and ims, uh, how often are you, , for your customers, right? How often are they doing it? , do you, have you seen any sudden changes?  And then any customer, you know, feedback, you know, has it been, uh, is it working, you know, percentage wise, or is it on average, or is it really working for them?

Yeah, it's just based on that.  I feel that we've had amazing, , results with our clients that have done. The IMs,  I'm the number one for a great review on that, as I've stated, it's helped me a lot. Um, but we've had clients like message that, Oh my gosh, I finally got nine hours of sleep last night and I haven't slept like that in years.

Um, we also had another client stating.  She was so sick the night before, but woke up feeling really good. , 

so I've worked with many clients that have immune deficiencies to where this has helped them at least by the next day they feel effects. So I strongly stand by what we're trying  to, to have at our salon.  Only because the fast results that we've seen and to me it can only help.  That person, of course, we can never say 100 percent you're going to have the same side effects as another person.

But  when you think vitamins, you think it may be helpful.

 So you've been in business since 2018. Gotten this new, uh, product line, you know, for your customers, , have, You, um, done any, uh, is your business given back to the community? Uh, what, what have, uh,  Uh, you know, anything in the, uh, projects that you've done for, uh, for the community or you personally, touch base on that, you know, uh,  uh, Jojo, thank you. 

Yes,  I personally have given back by offering classes to students. I also work with high schools where their counselors reach out to me with young ladies that may young ladies or young men interested in our career , and they come and chattel me,   it's up to them how long they want to stay because they usually stay probably the whole day.

And I actually have them  do some hands on services with me, and that's their favorite part. I've actually incorporated from what  I've been handed from schools, meaning students, they are now an apprentice with me. That's amazing. So you have an upcoming event this February. Could you tell us about it give us some details on it.

So, excited you asked. So we are having our glam Gallant time event February 13th from 12 to 6:00 PM Our beauty services are 25% off.

Um, most of our services like Lash. extensions, but our express lash extensions, our nails, pedicures, haircuts, blowouts, and, men's cuts. So for our men's cuts, we are teaming up with Savant Barbershop. They are located in Magna. He is offering a facial mask with every haircut you may purchase with them.

And swag bags for new clients. Uh, we also will have nothing but grinds with us. We're so excited to have them because I love their food personally, and they know this. I'm there all the time , so I'm excited to bring my clients and friends. A little taste of Hawaii, you do have to pay for your own food. But, BrewMonkey is offering the first 20 clients, a free cup of hot cocoa, chai tea, or coffee. , so like I said, that's a free, that's free for the first 20.  And that's the same with our glam bags. Our first 20 ladies that walk in the door do get a free glam bag. 

And, our first 20 young ladies.  We'll be getting their own glam bag also and what other business owners or organizations who will be there with their services So we will have Draw, which is our active wear line  She'll be there with her new winter collection  You're welcome to come and try them on She's exclusively and usually Online only, but luckily we have her part of the salon and you ladies can come in and try on her a new winter collection.

 We also will have a tarot reader there. She does not have a business name, but she's really good. She was at our ladies night and she made a big impression to where we had to bring her back.  And I understand that you'll be also doing the IM and IV infusions.

Who will be providing that? So the IV infusion and the IM injections will be provided by Modern Hydrostatics. The owner is Alex Millions, and so she'll be there that evening to offer those services.  They are, , Buy one and get 50 percent off for the injections, and then 25 percent off on the IV infusions. So I'm hearing something very interesting.

What's this about speed dating? 

I'm So excited you asked, Mike. We're excited to have They are holding a speed dating event,  and it is 25 per person, and that is why we have joined with Savant, so our men can get all handsome.  For our speed dating night and our ladies can get all glammed up so they can go next door Which is right literally right next to us the salon and have some fun and their time is from 7 p.

m To 9 p. m. For the speed dating So you'll be able to get all glammed up before you can head over to your speed dating Date. So the 25 goes to a no dancer left behind. So anyone that,  comes in and participate in a speed dating and pays 25, those will help  the young ladies or young boys, that. Can't afford or can't, pay for a lesson,  that's where your donation will go to.

So this will be very beneficial for your child if you are unable to provide, Dance lessons, for them. So make sure to donate and come in and just be dating as well. So that will really help our young children to be able to get that, dance lesson in, to make things, you know, extra curricular activities and fun for them.

So we also have,  Behind Alava Lava that will be joining us that day as well. , he will be coming in at 4pm,  to do a live broadcast. So I'm going to turn it over to Michael.

And tell us a little bit more about what you will be doing that day.  Yes, I will be interviewing, businesses who will be coming to the event. So whoever wants to be interviewed and highlighted on our platform,  just for a small donation to Ladies in Bloom, which Jojo will be touching on, you will get your business highlighted on our platform.

I'm so excited you announced that, Mike. We're doing a small introduction into our Ladies in Bloom. , our slogan is Blooming Together, Empowering Forever. I am using my platform to help our young ladies between the ages of 10 to 17.  And we are going to use Valentine's Night to do our soft introduction into Ladies in Bloom. 

Something I'm very passionate about because of things I faced when I was young. And I'm all about empowering our young ladies.  So, I'm excited to have our ages, or our young ladies, from 10 to 17, to come and join us for Galentine's Night.  So Jojo, are you still looking for vendors or sponsorship for this event? What do you need from the community to support you in this event? First, I am looking for three more vendors.  That provide personal services.

but  from the community, We just all want you to come and have a good time. That'd be a great way to show your support. , like you said, I'm bringing small businesses out  to help our community to have an enjoyable night. So your support means everything. Yes. To our listeners, make sure you tune in, save the date,  come join the Galentine, the Glam Galentine, and this is open to both.

Men and women, right?

We are referring all of our gentlemen and young men to Savant Barbershop, but we would love to help our young ladies and our women at JoJo and Co Salon. Okay, that's amazing. So now switching back to your business, in what aspects do you enjoy your role?   Especially as a business owner or you know, your role in working in the salon or owning a salon. 

I would say my favorite about running a business is that  I've seen young ladies that join my team  grow.  So I help them build their own businesses within my salon because they are booth runners. Um, they're building their clientele with me. So to see them excel makes me feel like I'm a success.

So Jojo, do you want to shout out anyone that has inspired you or made an impact in your life? Honestly, my clients is who I want to give a shout out to because I Have had clients since my career started and they've seen  my business Um, evolved from booth rent to now having a

full service salon.  Before I was just able to do hair and extensions in my booth.  And now we've brought into,  aesthetics, nails, pedicures. And now IVs and IMs, so they've been through such a long journey with me that I have to give

my,  I say my, my love to them because if it weren't for them, I wouldn't have the business I have today. I truly wouldn't.  They saw me through COVID, which was the hardest time. I just opened my business a year and a half prior  and we got hit  and they believed in me enough that I was selling,  color out my front door product out my front door.

I was just like, stop by, pick it up. You know, I'll mix your formula for you. We'll have it ready. You know, it was the only way that I could pay my overhead. I know it sounds crazy, but I had to pull things out of the. Out of my back pocket to figure things out and they are the ones  that came through and knew that You know, they don't have to worry about looking for  I guess color for their service or for their hair during that time, but they

I Don't know I said they saw me through you saw me through it all and Now I am where I am because of them Yeah, thank you for sharing, Jojo, and thank you very much for joining us today. I also want to thank your assistant, Samantha, for her assisting. we really appreciate you, , Thank you for joining us to highlight your story, highlight your business.

It's been an inspiration and we truly, truly are grateful for you.  To our listeners, make sure you go follow Jojo.  And Co Salon on social media. Give her a follow, make sure if you're in the area magna to use her services. And thank you for joining us on this episode of behind the level of a business spotlight.

We trust you found our discussion enlightening.  The businesses we spotlight are always in need of your support. We encourage you to explore their websites and social media platforms to discover more about them and find ways to contribute. If you found value in this episode, don't forget to follow Behind the Lava Lava and leave us a review.

This is Michael Tan signing off. Tova soy Fua.